Install new apps to Glass Enterprise Edition 2

Glass Enterprise Edition 2

8 easy steps to install new apps to your Glass Enterprise Edition 2

Step 1: Download the APK file to your local folder

Step 2: On the computer, go to Glass APK Installation page

Step 3: On the Glass, click on Allow USB debugging to make the Glass available for selecting in next step

Glass Enterprise

Step 4: On the installation page, click on Allow ADB access

Step 5: Click on Select device in next page

Glass EE 2

Step 6: Select the device, then click on Force Inspect. If the device is not selected, you need to close all the softwares those are using the device then try again

Glass Enterprise Edition

Step 7: Once the device is selected, click on the Select APK files. Browse to the APK file that was downloaded in your local folder in first step. Then click on Install selected APK files

Glass Enterprise Edition

Step 8: Accept the Terms and Condition, then click on "Confirm" to start the installation. If the APK files are installed successfully, you will see below screen

Glass 2

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