Odoo & Hubspot: How to Tackle Data Silos Problems With Integration

When Odoo and HubSpot, your sophisticated ERP platform and marketing automation solution, operate independently, key customer information may be fragmented. This blocks your lead nurturing strategies and business growth. 

Below, we'll look at the disruptive possibilities of Odoo HubSpot integration, along with a comprehensive plan to assess your integration requirements. Stay tuned to explore typical integration approaches and select one that best fits your company.

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Why you should not use Odoo and HubSpot in silos

Although both Odoo and HubSpot are solutions with powerful features in their areas, using them in silos creates limitations, especially in data management across sales and marketing. Inaccurate data from siloed systems leads to ineffective marketing campaigns, which then hinder lead generation and ultimately, sales growth. Here's why and how it causes a domino effect in your sales and marketing activities:

1. Data fragmentation & inconsistency

Having customer information spread over several cabinets of files is what happens with disconnected systems. According to an HBR survey, only 3% of executives reported having accurate data. Experian research also revealed that businesses estimate that 30% of their data is inaccurate, which has an impact on marketing efficiency and customer experiences. Odoo stores your sales data, whereas HubSpot stores all marketing interactions. This fragmentation results in incomplete customer profiles and discrepancies. 

2. Hindered lead management

Tracking the lead journey gets difficult when information is scattered across multiple platforms. You can't simply track how leads progress from initial enquiry to closed deals, making it hard to spot bottlenecks and streamline sales processes. According to Forrester, companies that thrive at lead nurturing create 50% more sales-ready prospects while spending 33% less on each lead. Without appropriate lead management practices, this nurturing is impossible.

3. Ineffective marketing campaigns

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Siloed data makes it difficult for you to develop targeted marketing strategies. You can't use data from sales conversations to improve your marketing efforts, resulting in inappropriate mailings and wasted money. According to MarketingSherpa, 79% of marketing leads never convert into sales, and disconnected systems play a big role in this missed opportunity.

4. Sales pipeline bottlenecks

Gartner reports that companies lose an average of $15 million per year due to poor data quality. Maintaining precise and up-to-date sales pipelines is a must for accurate forecasting and deal management. With disconnected systems, real-time data flow between sales and marketing becomes more difficult to achieve. This lack of visibility creates bottlenecks in your sales pipeline, reducing the likelihood of closing sales.

5. Inconsistent customer experience

According to Accenture, 49% of consumers believe that better integrating all shopping channels is the most effective way for merchants to improve the shopping experience. Customers want a consistent experience throughout all touchpoints. When Odoo and HubSpot work in silos, your brand language and communication approach may change on each platform. This inconsistency may confuse clients and harm their opinion of your brand. 

Breaking down these divisions through integration helps you realise the full potential of both platforms and provides a more cohesive experience.

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Knowing your business needs for integration

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1. Identifying integration goals

What specific benefits do you aim to accomplish from integration? Do you want to increase lead generation by a specific %? It’s time to automate costly marketing workflows to free up your team's resources. Gain deeper customer information to tailor your sales strategy and establish your aims to ensure that the integration meets your pressing demands.

For example, if your primary goal is to generate more qualified leads, you should prioritise features that improve lead collection forms, automate lead scoring, and nurture leads with customised email sequences.

2. Evaluating current systems and data

Take note of your current data landscape in Odoo and HubSpot:

  • Data quality: Evaluate the accuracy and consistency of your data. Redundant, outdated information and missing fields may lead to integration issues and reduce the effectiveness of automation
  • Data volume: Consider the amount of data you're now managing and plan for future expansion. This will assist you in creating the most appropriate integration plan and ensuring that it can handle your data volume effectively
  • Data points: Specify the data points you desire to sync and map during integration. This could include contact data, internet activity, sales encounters, or previous marketing efforts.

3. Considering historical data migration needs

Given your current data setting, moving historical data from one system to another may be essential. This could include customer details, sales history, and marketing campaign performance data:

  • Data migration complexity: Data transfer complexity varies according to the volume and structure of your data. Simple migrations may be executable in-house, however cases with large datasets may necessitate professional support.
  • Data cleansing: Before migration, take the chance to clean and standardise your data across both systems. This guarantees the accuracy and integrity of your entire system.

4. Understanding user roles & permissions

With integration, different user roles within your company may need access to certain data and functionalities. Set clear user roles and rights in both Odoo and HubSpot to protect data and prevent access that is not authorised.

For instance, sales personnel may demand access to HubSpot's customer interaction history, whilst marketing teams may require insights from Odoo's sales data. Setting suitable permissions gives restricted access based on job duties.

5. Aligning integration with your current processes

Understand how combining Odoo and HubSpot would affect your present company procedures and workflows. Will the integration require changes to your sales strategy, marketing efforts, or customer care protocols?

Planning for these future changes ensures that there is no disruption and guarantees the value of the integrated system. You may need to create new workflows for lead transition between sales and marketing or adjust your reporting processes based on integrated data from both systems.

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Choosing the right integration approach

1. Two common 3rd-party integration methods:

#1 HubSpot data sync app for simple integration

The HubSpot team developed this app. While HubSpot Data Sync supports Odoo connection, it is a separate application within HubSpot. This app provides a connection between Odoo and HubSpot and connects to both systems via APIs for simple data exchange. It maps appropriate data fields between the two platforms, enabling automatic synchronisation.

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Please keep in mind that the app is only available if you have an active HubSpot subscription. The specific features and functionalities (such as custom field mapping) may vary depending on the HubSpot plan (Starter, Professional, or Enterprise).

#2 Odoo 3rd party connectors

These connectors function as bridges between Odoo and HubSpot, allowing data to be transferred using Odoo's API. They map corresponding data fields between the two systems, allowing automated synchronisation and data transfer. Connector providers will differ based on the one you select and most of them are third-party vendors listed on the Odoo app marketplace.

2. Choosing between methods

When selecting between Odoo Hubspot integration solutions, consider the following critical aspects to decide on the best choice for your needs:

  • Ease of Use and Setup Time: HubSpot Data Sync is noted for its user-friendly interface and pre-configured field mappings, which make setup simple. It is ideal for those who want a quick and simple integration without substantial technical knowledge. With Odoo Hubspot connectors, the level of integration complexity varies based on the app. Some may have user-friendly interfaces, while others may require more settings for specialised needs.
  • Customisation Needs: HubSpot Data Sync has limited customising options, especially on field mapping. It is ideal for basic data synchronisation using common field configurations. Nevertheless, many Odoo Hubspot connectors support extra customisation, such as tailored workflows, and complex data mapping for your specific operations.
  • Cost: The cost of HubSpot Data Sync is set by your existing HubSpot subscription plan. Some features may need upgrades to higher tiers. However, costs for Odoo 3rd-party connectors vary. The Odoo app market may provide free choices with limited features, but connectors that offer greater functionality might incur a subscription expense.
  • Security: HubSpot Data Sync is built by HubSpot, and Odoo HubSpot connectors vary depending on the connector supplier. Before integrating with a vendor, you ought to look into their reputation and security policies.

Your particular needs and objectives will determine which option is best for you. Consider technical knowledge, the required level of customisation, budget, and the specific capabilities provided by numerous connectors available in the Odoo app marketplace.

3. Professional services for complex cases

Seeking professional assistance with difficult Odoo HubSpot integrations is a worthwhile investment. Here are the reasons:

  • Expertise: Certified consultants have the technical knowledge to handle complicated integrations, resulting in a seamless and successful deployment.
  • Customisation: They can personalise the integration to your requirements, designing workflows and data mapping setups that are consistent with your processes.
  • Ongoing support: Experts frequently offer continuous assistance, giving you peace of mind and ensuring that any technical concerns are resolved quickly.
  • More efficient implementation: Employing professionals' skills can greatly minimise the resources required to set up and optimise your integration.

While the final decision is up to you, opening up with a professional can help you assess your needs and identify the best method for your particular scenario.

The final notes

By leveraging Odoo HubSpot integration, you can discover an endless number of opportunities. Fragmented data merges into a single source of truth, providing your sales and marketing teams with an extensive overview of the client journey. Streamlined workflows minimise time-consuming human data entry, while automated processes empower your staff to focus on strategic projects.

Keep in mind that this journey does not have to be completed alone. For complex integration needs, think about reaching out to professional services or Odoo's authorised partners. Their knowledge can help you ensure a successful deployment, minimising interruption and increasing the return on your investment.


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